The video tells the story of Turkish MMA sensation and World Champion Kadir Dalkıran. A young boy from Yalova who worked as a trash collector to help his family...
Ferman Akgül and 06 Records launches Turkey's first acoustic music festival
MTV award winning lead singer of maNga, Ferman Akgül and his company 06 Records launches Turkey's first acoustic music festival – Unplugged Music Festival. ...
Hurriyet joins as media partner for Ferman Akgül's promotion tour
Ferman akgül will embark on his 6 city Turkey tour on Monday the 24th of April to promote his new album “Yürüyorum İçimde” and meet with fans. Hurriyet Kelebek ...
Ferman Akgül to start his album promotional tour
Ferman Akgül will start his solo album promotional tour on the 24th of April. The tour will take him to six cities around Turkey....